Apple unveiled a new and improved HomePod.
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Good2Know is your daily dose of the stories impacting your day-to-day life.
Cheddar Morning News Briefings of March 30th
Cheddar Morning News Briefings
Elon Musk Joins Group Raising Concerns About Dangers of AI Development
Elon Musk Joins Group Raising Concerns About Dangers of AI Development
Afternoon Alexa Flash Briefings of March 29th
Afternoon Alexa Flash Briefings
Cheddar Afternoon News Briefings of March 29th
Cheddar Afternoon News Briefings
Apple Tests Its Own Buy Now Pay Later Feature
Apple Pay is getting in on the buy now pay later boom with a feature allowing users to split purchases into four separate payments over six weeks at no additional cost or interest.
Mark Cuban-Backed Tech Firm Illumix Closes $18 million Funding Round
San Francisco-based technology startup Illumix just closed a $18 million Series A round of funding, and in a rare move for the Shark Tank star, Mark Cuban contributed.
Morning Alexa Flash Briefings of March 29th
Morning Alexa Flash Briefings
Afternoon Alexa Flash Briefings of March 28th
Afternoon Alexa Flash Briefings