Apple unveiled a new and improved HomePod.
More In Technology
Morning Alexa Flash Briefings of March 8th
Morning Alexa Flash Briefings
Cheddar Morning News Briefings of March 8th
Cheddar Morning News Briefings
WSJ: FTC Seeks Musk Communications in Twitter Probe
The Federal Trade Commission is seeking information from Twitter for its probe into the company since Elon Musk took over last year, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Report: Meta To Announce More Layoffs
Meta is reportedly planning thousands of additional layoffs, according to Bloomberg.
Afternoon Alexa Flash Briefings of March 7th
Afternoon Alexa Flash Briefings
TikTok Is Letting Users Create 20-Minute Videos Behind a Paywall
TikTok is introducing a new feature called "Series" that allows users to create longer-form video content behind a paywall.
Salesforce Adds ChatGPT Capability to Suite of Services
Salesforce is the latest company to announce plans to incorporate OpenAI's ChatGPT into its software product.
Cheddar Morning News Briefings of March 7th
Cheddar Morning News Briefings
Tesla Issues Model Y Recall Over Seatbelt
Tesla issued a Model Y recall over seatbelt issues.