Nissin Foods is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its staple product, Top Ramen, and CEO Mike Price said the company's founding principles of bringing peace by combating hunger remain true after all those decades.

"I think we believe this today," Price told Cheddar. "If there was food readily available around the world, there would be no more wars."

Top Ramen first hit shelves in Japan following World War II as the destructive aftermath left a strain on the country's food supply. A parallel to today as food insecurity is on the rise globally, particularly amid the coronavirus pandemic. While other industries have been stifled by the pandemic, Nissin contends it has been at its most productive.

"We've had no disruptions on the manufacturing side at all, and the reality is demand is at the highest we've ever seen it here in the United States," Price said.

As more of its noodles make it home to the pantry, Nissin isn't compromising on the quality of Top Ramen, according to the CEO, and customers are still getting the same inexpensive staple they've been getting since the company's inception.

"A few years ago, in response to what consumers were telling us, we did reduce the amount of sodium in our products," Price added. "We also took out added MSG, but otherwise, it's been pretty consistent for the last 50 years."

To celebrate its golden anniversary, Nissin its #HowDoYouTopRamen contest that features prizes of $10,000, a 50-year supply of noodles, and the title 'Chief Noodle Officer' awarded to the most creative dish using Top Ramen judged by Top Chef: All-Stars L.A. winner Melissa King.

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