Ballin' on a Budget: Should the NCAA Pay its Athletes?
There is big money in college hoops. Jordan Schultz, Sports Analyst at Yahoo Sports, was with us to discuss the business of the NCAA.
The NCAA topped $1 billion in annual revenue for the first time in the 2016-2017 school year. March Madness is a big factor for the organization's revenue due to TV rights deal with CBS and Turner. That contract brought the NCAA $761 million in 2017.
With all this cash, is it time to start paying college athletes? Schultz said athletes should get a piece of the pie. As a former college basketball player himself, he stressed that he knew players that struggled to get by and pay for food.
AT&T and Gallaudet University have developed a football helmet for players who are deaf or hard of hearing and communicate using American Sign Language.
Former Northwestern University football coach Pat Fitzgerald is suing the school for $130 million, saying his alma mater wrongfully fired him in the wake of a hazing and abuse scandal that has engulfed the athletic department.
FIFA announced that Spain, Portugal and Morroco will host the 2030 World Cup while some games will be played in South America to mark 100 years since the first World Cup was played in Uruguay.