Switching career paths and pursing dreams that you have put on hold can be a daunting task. Cheri Syphax, the author of Second Act: Living Boldly And Abundantly at Every Age, joined Cheddar News to share her experience with entering her life's "second act" and to provide some advice to those who are on the fence about making the jump. "I had to take stock of me, who I was, what I wanted to accomplish, the life that I wanted to live and really assess what was holding me back. And it actually was fear," she said.
Jonathan the tortoise just celebrated his 191st birthday.
A Swiss bank has admitted it helped U.S. taxpayers hide more than $5.6 billion from the IRS, according to the Justice Department.
Las Vegas police arrested and charged a 16-year-old boy for allegedly posting terror threats online and linking his actions to ISIS.
One security guard was killed and another injured following a stabbing at a Macy's store in Philadelphia Monday.
A Boston woman died Monday after being attacked by a shark while paddle boarding in the Bahamas.
Authorities are investigating an explosion at a home in Arlington, Virginia where police were attempting to serve a search warrant.
A volcanic eruption that began in Indonesia Sunday has left 11 climbers dead and at least a dozen people missing.
Former Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin is back in prison after being stabbed multiple times at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, Arizona.
A former U.S. diplomat has been arrested and accused of being a secret Cuban spy.
The U.S. Air Force has confirmed divers found the remains of five U.S. service members in the wreckage of an Osprey aircraft that crashed off the coast of Japan last week.
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