Switching career paths and pursing dreams that you have put on hold can be a daunting task. Cheri Syphax, the author of Second Act: Living Boldly And Abundantly at Every Age, joined Cheddar News to share her experience with entering her life's "second act" and to provide some advice to those who are on the fence about making the jump. "I had to take stock of me, who I was, what I wanted to accomplish, the life that I wanted to live and really assess what was holding me back. And it actually was fear," she said.
Emmy-winning actor Andre Braugher, best known in TV shows like 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' and 'Homicide: Life on the Street,' died on Monday at the age of 61.
A man is suing New York City and two detectives for at least $50 million after he was wrongfully convicted in the 1995 killing of a subway token booth clerk.