Be Well: Improving Mobility and Motion With the 3D Workout
Rocky Ribacoff, Equinox Group fitness manager, joined 'beWell' to help get us into shape with the 3D workout. The routine focuses in on mobility, which Ribacoff describes as planes of motion. "There are three planes of motion. The sagittal plane, the frontal plane and the transverse plane and we'll be touching on all of those," she said.
Volunteers worked frantically on a second day Wednesday to save dozens of pilot whales that have stranded themselves on a beach in Western Australia, but more than 50 have already died.
The water temperature on the tip of Florida hit hot tub levels, exceeding 100 degrees (37.8 degrees Celsius) two days in a row. And meteorologists say that could potentially be the hottest seawater ever measured, although there are some issues with the reading.
Plastic-Free July is being observed to highlight the use of plastic and its effects. Cheddar News' Michelle Castillo gave up using single-use plastic for the day and spoke with Kathyrn Kellogg, founder of Going Zero Waste, to get her take.