This Changes Things: Advice for the executives and leaders of tomorrow, brought to you by American Express OPEN. On Between Bells: DACA, flying cars, and the Ryan Seacrest scandal. With Motor Trend, YourTango, and Reason Magazine.

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Markets Skyrocket Post 2024 Election
With the election behind us, many are wondering what the next four years look like for the US economy. Drew Pettit, from Citi Group joins Cheddar to discuss.
Could Millennials be Saving Too Much?
An interesting savings trend has popped up among Millennials. Could they be saving TOO much money? Callie Cox at Ritholtz Wealth Management explains.
Why Home Sales Are Worse Than Ever
Gina Heeb, finance reporter at The Wall Street Journal, joins us to discuss the current state of the real estate market and when things may turn around. Watch!
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