A new app called Bingie has launched as a way for family and friends to share show and movie recommendations across various streaming platforms.

While the app's search function helps users locate specific content wherever it may reside, Bingie CEO Joey Lane says the real draw is its social component, acting as a sort of "digital water cooler."

"Remember when we used to be able to go to the office and we'd sit around and say 'Hey, what did you watch last night?'," Lane explained to Cheddar Wednesday. "Bingie really gives you the opportunity to do that in the digital world."

Bingie can take advantage of a lot of fresh material across a plethora of streaming services. According to data compiled by Reelgood, Netflix leads all competitors in fresh television content with more than a thousand shows. Amazon Prime Video has the highest quantity (1,820) of newer movies available on the platform.

"We're seeing a lot of people talking about new content, as well as old things," Lane said, before invoking the newest verb in the streaming space. "Somebody Bingied me this morning 'Step Brothers,' one of my favorite funny movies, and we're already having a huge dialogue and a lot of fun talking about it."

Bingie wants to remain a neutral player in the streaming industry while helping people connect through the vehicle of fresh content.

"We really answer the question: what to watch, where to find it, and why you should watch it," Lane said. "We're on all the streaming services, all in one place, to give you the opportunity to share really great content to the people that know you best."

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