Peanut could be described as "Tinder" for moms to meet other moms. Now, the app is out with a new feature to help form meaningful communities around subjects that matter to those moms. Michelle Kennedy is the co-founder and CEO of the app Peanut. She joins Cheddar to explain the new Peanut feature, "Pages." Peanut Pages can help moms come together over issues that matter to them. With pages, moms can help one another find nannys, discuss how to manage cooking for their kids, find groups to work out with, and more. Pages has been live for less than a week. So far, Kennedy says the most popular pages are "motherhood" and "is it okay?..." She says "Money" is also a popular page. Moms are asking questions around maternity leave and if it makes sense to return to work. When asked what is next for Peanuts in terms of advertising, Kennedy says advertising is not important yet. She first wants to focus on growing the userbase and the community on the app.

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