There are currently 25 million small businesses on Instagram leveraging followers into dollars. Hitting that number is a major milestone for the company, especially considering the platform was home to 15 million small businesses as recently as July. Morgan Cornelius, Small Business Community Lead at Instagram, credits the exponential growth to the 800 million engaged Instagram users who are helping small businesses grow. “Small business owners are a cornerstone of who we are, and what people are interested in looking at when they’re on our platform,” Cornelius said. One in three small business owners on Instagram say they built their business on the platform. And Cornelius has some simple advice for those looking to take the plunge. She says the best thing any business owner can do is convert their personal Instagram profile into a business one. Also, Cornelius encourages small business owners to take advantage of Instagram Stories to better showcase their personality. “When a consumer comes to your business page, they’re actually going to have an option to call, email you, contact you,” she said. “Also it allows you to have backend data and metrics to take a look at how you are performing.” For full interview [click here.] (

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