Coinbase users took to social media and Reddit to complain about glitches on the platform. Coinbase says the root of the problem is credit card processing managed by Visa. But, Visa says they didn't cause the problem. Russell Brandom, Reporter at The Verge, explains the implications of these problems on the platform.
Billionaire Tom Steyer is putting his personal fortune behind an effort to get President Trump out of office. The "Need to Impeach" initiative started with a YouTube video, and now more than 4.7 Million people have signed its petition. Tom Steyer, Founder and President of "Need to Impeach," explains how he is trying to influence the political landscape.
The FBI is admitting that it failed to investigate the shooter who killed 17 people in Parkland, Florida this week. Now, Florida Governor Rick Scott is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray's resignation. Axios Reporter Stef Kight explains the implications of these findings.
Athlete compensation, player unions and realignment dominate discussions — everything in college sports is open for discussion, interpretation and adjustment.
Sola Mahfouz and Malaina Kapoor, authors of 'Defiant Dreams: The Journey of an Afghan Girl Who Risked Everything for Education' discuss how Sola overcame the Taliban to get an education.
Pittsburgh International Airport CEO, Christina Cassotis talks the airport’s upcoming upgrades and why you can’t count out business travel, even in a post-pandemic world.
Fresh off of speaking at the UN, Amalya Yeghoyan, Executive Director of FAR’s Gyumri Information Technology Center, discusses her work to empower women through tech.