Tomorrow, many workers in Georgia will be back on the job after Governor Brian Kemp announced gyms, salons, and tattoo shops will all be allowed to reopen, with restaurants and movie theaters getting the go-ahead for Monday. 

The state's Governor Brian Kemp has faced criticism from local officials, and even President Trump, for his decision, but Congressman Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga. 11th District) supports the move and says the state is prepared to deal with a possible resurgence. 

"We are little further ahead in this decline than what the initial data is showing, and that's one of the reasons why the governor decided to go ahead and open up portions of the Georgia economy," Loudermilk alleged.  

There are signs Georgia has been able to flatten the curve in the number of coronavirus cases, according to the state's department of health. However, White House officials suggest waiting to see 14 days of a consistent decline before moving to the next phase of reopening. 

The congressman also said the shutdowns have had unintended health consequences, notably the ban on elective surgeries.  

"There are many people out there who are having to put off surgeries that are dealing with pain, they're dealing with other issues, and there are people that are, quite frankly, afraid to go to the hospital," Loudermilk said. "We need to be able to get back and give the people a little bit of comfort that you can get out, you can do these things."

He also noted that in allowing some businesses to reopen, Kemp is not requiring them to do so.

In many small businesses, it is virtually impossible to practice social distancing, but Loudermilk said that Georgians are responsible and will make the right decisions.

"We're trusting the people of Georgia. Look, if you do not feel well do not go to the barbershop. If you don't feel well, don't go to work. I think that people understand the seriousness of it and are willing to take whatever risk there is," he said.

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