When a sibling was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, Doctor Onikepe Adegbola was surprised by how difficult it was to eat following an IBS diet. That is why the doctor has launched Casa de Sante, a "FODMAP" approved food brand. Casa de Sante produces full food like salsa as well as ingredients that are low in FODMAPs. FODMAP are fermentable carbohydrates found naturally in a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and milk products. These carbohydrates are not digested and are then fermented by the bacteria in the stomach. This creates gas and bubbles that result in bloating and cramping. Low FODMAP diets are designed to limit foods that contain these carbohydrates. Dr. Adegbola says the response to her brand has been strong. She is happy to be providing options that are making the lives of the tens of millions of people suffering with IBS in the United States easier.

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