Dating has become extra difficult for singles in the age of social distancing. As people try to connect while keeping their distance, online dating is surging. And the hot new stat on dating profiles: COVID-19 antibody results.

"I think it gives people a sense of security. Do we know if it's real or not? No. But people are really proud of it and touting their antibody levels," Lori Zaslow, co-founder of Project Soulmate, told Cheddar. 

Zaslow, a professional matchmaker, said as lockdowns continue the desire for human interaction is driving singles to use dating apps even more.

However, while communities begin the fraught process of reopening, it's unclear whether or not people will continue virtual courting. Zaslow thinks perhaps not. "I think people are desperate to get out and people in no way are going to be OK with virtual dating."

While Zaslow is not a fan of virtual dating, she admits building an emotional connection with someone before meeting in-person can be the key to a successful relationship. But do it safely.

"Really just start maybe on the phone and then a Facetime, but then meet someone. If you feel nervous, wear a mask. Get a cute mask."

For a complete checklist of Lori's quarantine dating tips, check out the full interview.

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