Writer Nick Morton talks to Cheddar at the Sundance Film Festival about his new series called "Halfway There," starring Matthew Lillard and Blythe Danner.
For full interview [click here](https://cheddar.com/videos/getting-halfway-there-into-the-sundance-film-festival).
Luke Skolkin, an instructor at The Fit House, spoke with Cheddar News about some moves you can do during a workout that you can progress to make them more challenging.
Actress and comedian Kim Coles joined Cheddar News to discuss the 30th anniversary of 'Living Single' which also starred Kim Field and Queen Latifah, her current role with 'Days of Our Lives' and how she helps others in her industry with a new writing program.
There are everyday items that could be dirtier than your toilet. Courtney Mason, general manager of The Spruce, spoke with Cheddar News to discuss what areas are often overlooked that can be cleaned periodically.