The FTC is introducing a new rule which could end non-compete agreements for millions of workers. The proposed rule would void non-compete clauses in existing contracts and ban their use in future contracts. The agency says the move would affect 30 million Americans or roughly one out of five workers here in the United States. Supporters say the rule would boost wages and promote competition by allowing workers to move more freely between jobs.

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Michigan Judge Sentences Walmart Shoplifters to Wash Parking Lot Cars
A Michigan judge is putting sponges in the hands of shoplifters and ordering them to wash cars in a Walmart parking lot when spring weather arrives. Genesee County Judge Jeffrey Clothier hopes the unusual form of community service discourages people from stealing from Walmart. The judge also wants to reward shoppers with free car washes. Clothier says he began ordering “Walmart wash” sentences this week for shoplifting at the store in Grand Blanc Township. He believes 75 to 100 people eventually will be ordered to wash cars this spring. Clothier says he will be washing cars alongside them when the time comes.
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