Google is rolling out a new way to log in to your accounts called passkeys. As opposed to typing in a password, a passkey is a digital token that is stored on your devices and allows you to automatically sign in. Experts say passkeys are less vulnerable to phishing attacks or hacks, and are overall a more secure way to log in. If you want to check it out for yourself, after logging in the old-fashioned way, you can click the option "add a passkey."  


A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society showed that older people who went online regularly were less likely to develop dementia symptoms. The study looked at over 18,000 seniors over eight years, and found that the ones who used the internet regularly were half as likely to develop dementia as the ones who rarely or never went online. The seniors with the lowest risk of dementia spent an average of 2 hours per day online.

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