According to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, people with high levels of the antioxidant 'flavanols,' in their diet have better memory function than those who don't. The study found that adding a supplement of 500 milligrams of flavanols per day helped reverse memory loss in some older adults, improving their memory abilities by 16 percent. Where do flavanols come from? It's naturally found in foods like green tea, berries, and apples. It's also found in cocoa, but unfortunately, you can't get high levels of flavanols from chocolate, as it is destroyed in the manufacturing process. The study recommends that most people get their daily flavanols from food, rather than taking a supplement.


Apple has confirmed that its original photo app 'My Photo Stream' will stop allowing new uploads on June 26, and the service will be shut down on July 26. The company said that going forward the best place to store pictures taken on your Apple devices is iCloud Photos, but if you do still have anything on My Photo Stream, make sure you download each file you want to save. Even if you still have an older phone, iPad, or computer, you can turn on iCloud Photos to save your pictures.

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