Donald Trump has had a long-standing feud with none other than Graydon Carter, the departing Vanity Fair Editor in Chief. The two met in the early eighties, when Carter wrote a profile of the then-real estate investor for GQ Magazine. Carter says he is surprised that Donald Trump has become president of the United States given that "he's the most unrefined person I know." The editor goes on to criticize Trump’s racist rhetoric, and calls him a “dangerous man.” “He was dangerous when he was a developer,” Carter tells VF Hive’s Jon Kelly. “Now he’s got the nuclear codes.” The editor says he didn’t like the now-president upon meeting him, but was certainly fascinated by him. The fascination might’ve been mutual, since Carter says Trump has, throughout the years, invited him to two of his weddings. Carter only attended one. In addition, the editor says that Trump continuously asked for cover stories at his magazine, which he politely declined. “He kept wanting us to do another cover story on him and I kept resisting it,” he says. “In a polite sort of way.” Trump has taken his fair share of jabs at Carter, too. Following negative reviews of a Trump restaurant, the president tweeted last December that Vanity Fair was performing poorly, and blamed Carter specifically. “Has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of @VanityFair Magazine,” the tweet read. “Way down, big trouble, dead! Graydon Carter, no talent, will be out!” However, reports emerged that the print magazine sold record numbers last year. Carter was actually on his way to retirement when co-workers encouraged him to stay on. He says that experiencing Trump’s first year as commander-in- chief has been “depressing.” Carter recalled that election night was hard for him, his family, and his friends. “As the results came in, people left without even saying goodbye, just drifting off into the evening, ‘til finally it was just me sitting there in the kitchen,” he recalled.

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