With holiday shopping underway, people have to be aware of authentication when purchasing quality luxury gifts. Maya Ali, head of handbags at MyGemma, joined Cheddar News to provide tips on how to spot fake luxury bags.

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Creating a Dog-Friendly Tailgate With Bark Social
Football season is entering its final weeks but watch parties and tailgating continues -- and no party is complete without a man's best friend. Luke Silverman, co-founder of Bark Social and Penny, a friendly Cavapoo, joined Cheddar News to show how to set up the perfect puppy-friendly tailgate.
On the Scene: Big Apple Circus
Cheddar News spoke with Big Apple Circus CEO Marty LaSalle who began as a juggler in the ring with the circus and discussed its operations, collaborations and its legacy. Cheddar News also got a chance to see juggler Noel Aguilar in action and discuss what's it like performing on the big stage.
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