Samsung unveiling its Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. CNET's Senior Editor Scott Stein explains how the camera in this device stacks up against Apple's iPhone X.
"There's a lot of promise in the camera," says Stein about Samsung's Galaxy S9.
But on whether the features in this product are enough for consumers to make the switch from Apple to Samsung, Stein says there's a real question of whether to step up to the Galaxy S9. Samsung's latest smartphone will become available for pre-order on March 2.
Apple's 8pm ET event Monday will revolve around its iMAC computer lineup of products which are expected to contain its new faster and three next-generation silicon chip.
President Joe Biden on Monday will sign a sweeping executive order to guide the development of artificial intelligence — requiring industry to develop safety and security standards, introducing new consumer protections and giving federal agencies an extensive to-do list to oversee the rapidly progressing technology.
Google's head of search testified at the company's trial Thursday as it started presenting its defense. The Justice Department in several states alleged that Google violated antitrust law to achieve its dominance in search.