Samsung unveiling its Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. CNET's Senior Editor Scott Stein explains how the camera in this device stacks up against Apple's iPhone X. "There's a lot of promise in the camera," says Stein about Samsung's Galaxy S9. But on whether the features in this product are enough for consumers to make the switch from Apple to Samsung, Stein says there's a real question of whether to step up to the Galaxy S9. Samsung's latest smartphone will become available for pre-order on March 2.

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Fugees Rapper Says Lawyer's Use of AI Helped Tank His Case, Pushes for New Trial
The trial of a Fugees rapper, who was convicted this year in multimillion-dollar political conspiracies, stretched across the worlds of politics and entertainment — and now the case is touching on the tech world with arguments that his defense attorney bungled the case, in part, by using an artificial intelligence program to write his closing arguments.
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