Panda? Really? Everyone's in shock, including lead designer of Tekken Katsuhiro Harada, after Panda player Rangchu stunned the world with his upset victory. And with Ninja's announcement of his new mouse in collaboration with Finalmouse, it's Mouse Monday - including a Logitech G Pro Wireless giveaway and details on what goes into making such a beast from Logitech G Technical Marketing Manager Andrew Coonrad. Then - every Overwatch League Season 2 expansion team has been announced, and even without their rosters, we have everything we need to judge them. We rate every expansion team's branding, logo, and colors, from the Atlanta Reign to the Guangzhou Charge. Plus - we venture out to a Hearthstone Fireside event to hear from the community and get first thoughts on Rastakhan's Rumble.

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Baseball Players Are Staying Mindful on the Diamond With Barefoot Walks in the Grass
Shoes off and dropped near the visitor’s dugout in San Francisco, Christian Walker begins his barefoot stroll through the perfectly manicured grass and makes his way into right field, where he plops down for a much-needed dose of Vitamin D on a sunny, summer Bay Area day. It's a welcome chance for a good stretch and fresh air following a cross-country flight from Washington.
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