Claire Maldarelli, assistant editor at Popular Science, discusses the 2017-2018 flu season that scientists have named as one of the worst in the last decade.
She notes that it is always good to get your flu shot, no matter how late in the season it is. The vaccination helps reduce the severity of the virus and makes it harder for it to spread. Maldarelli talks about how the body fights the flu and notes aches and pains stem from your immune system trying to fight off the virus.
New research shows that people can be genetically predisposed to having sleep problems like insomnia and that these signs can show up in early childhood.
The National Zoo's three giant pandas, Mei Xiang, Tian Tian and their cub Xiao Qi Ji. on Wednesday began their long trip to China, leaving behind an empty panda exhibit with no certainty that pandas ever would again take up residence there.
The CDC released a report with troubling statistics about the number of reported syphilis cases in newborns, with cases rising 10-fold in the last decade and nearly 32% in just one year.