James Marsters, star of the new Hulu Marvel series "Runaways," discusses his role as a parent with a secret, supervillain identity. Marsters digs into his background playing villains on both "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and its spin-off "Angel," and talks about how those differ from his current part. Marsters tries to give us info on the series, but struggles to find the words, noting his fear of Marvel and how protective the studio is of its content. Marsters discusses how different acting in a Hulu show is from this previous work, since the entire season was shot at one time. He says he was able to avoid watching his character and picking apart his performance. The show allowed him to be free of that. He also talked about the impact of streaming on content creation as a whole. Marsters adds that streaming allows for a storyline to continue through numerous episodes, whereas weekly TV programs have to wrap up specific threads within one episode. He adds that the rise of streaming allows for more compelling television. The first three episodes of Marvel's "Runaways" are available on Hulu on Tuesday, November 21st.

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