Starting at midnight on January 1, recreational marijuana became legal in California. Cannabis for medicinal purposes has been legal for more than two decades, but this legislation signals a change for the industry. Alyssa Julya Smith caught up with MedMen Dispensary's CMO BJ Carretta to discuss the economic impact as well as where some of the tax dollars will go for an industry poised to make $7 billion in the coming years. Carretta talks about destigmatizing the practice of cannabis use and how that will help grow the industry to one of the biggest in the Golden State. He also says marijuana taxes will be as high as 35%, and the state is still figuring out what will be done with the tax money made off of the sales.

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2024 is the Year of the Dragon for the Lunar New Year, which kicks off February 10. To commemorate the occasion, the U.S. Post Office unveiled a new dragon stamp.
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