Meta is set to create a new VR world for teens as it expands its Oculus headset options. The company said it noticed that there was large population of users aged 13 to 17-years-old but those users lacked access to their own accounts. Cheddar News reporter Michelle Castillo talked about the backlash the platform received following the announcement, particularly after Meta came under fire for its safety practices for teen users.
Abrar Al-Heeti, Tech Reporter at CNET, explains what will happen if and when the TikTok app is banned in the United States. Plus, who may buy it? Watch!
Jason Hiner, Editor in Chief of ZDNET, breaks down the best tech that came out of CES 2025, including Nvidia's Cosmos, New TV Tech, Roborok Saros Z70 and more.
Watch Duty CEO, John Mills, talks to Cheddar about how the app works, how it helps people in real time and how people can donate to help those affected.