Molly Shannon and Ana de Armas are set to host Saturday Night Live next month. Shannon, a former cast member, will host on April 8 while de Armas will host for the first time on April 15.
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One Good Thing: Police Welcome Dog Trainee Siblings to Force
The West Yorkshire police welcome two very special co-workers to their force, Cali and Chaos.
Cheddar Paws: Pandemic Puppies
Many households adopted a pet during the pandemic, according to a survey. However, there were also pets that were raised in isolation in the same period if they weren't adopted. Michael S. Gould, canine trainer and founder of Hounds Town, and Sam Reilly, a dog management specialist and trainer, both joined Cheddar News to explain how they have built up pets' confidence and social skills ahead of being potentially adopted.
Newlyweds Asking for 'Home Fund' Donations
New research from Zillow finds more and more couples are adding a home fund to their wedding registries to help them buy their first home.
A Maryland Judge Presided Over the Divorce Case of the Man Who Is Now Identified as Suspect in His Killing
Court records show that the Maryland judge who was shot to death outside his home presided over divorce case of the man now identified as person of interest in the killing.
Mom With Breast Cancer Diagnosis Starts Nonprofit to Help Others
October is Breast Awareness Cancer Month as the disease affects millions of American families. Elissa Kalver, founder of, joined Cheddar News to explain how breast cancer inspired her to create her own nonprofit and provided some details of her personal battle while maintaining a family.