Mozilla is calling on Americans to tell their elected officials to help roll back the repeal of net neutrality. “I think that a lot of members of Congress are really interested and didn’t really realize that their constituents cared about this so much,” Heather West, the Senior Policy Manager at the open-source web browser, says. “We have seen an incredible grassroot swell of support around net neutrality that we hope will help protect it.” Mozilla this week joined 22 attorneys general in suing the FCC for trying to repeal net neutrality. The internet watchdog voted back in December against the Obama-era law that keeps internet service providers from throttling and blocking content, sparking public outrage. More than one million people have contacted Congress to prevent the agency’s move. Senate Democrats also introduced their own bill to block the FCC. The legislators reportedly need one more vote to reach a simple majority. For full interview [click here](

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