Here are the headlines you Need2Know for Tuesday, July 28, 2020:

COVID-19: LATEST DEVELOPMENTS: Lawmakers will continue to negotiate over the scope of the next economic relief package today. Republicans opened with a $1 trillion plan that would cut the enhanced unemployment benefit from $600 to $200 a week. The Democrats want to keep that benefit intact through the end of the year as part of their $3 trillion package. At the White House, Trump's national security adviser Robert O’Brien, tested positive, becoming the highest-ranking official and member of the president’s inner circle to contract the virus. Meanwhile, new cases are starting to level off in Texas, Arizona and Florida. REUTERS

BACK TO SCHOOL: What can the U.S. learn from countries that have successfully reopened their schools? A number of studies in countries like Germany and Denmark suggest that the safest way to bring students and teachers back to school depends on a number of variables -- including the age of students. Teens appear to transmit the virus much easier than younger kids, with one South Korean study showing that children under 10 had the lowest transmission rate of any age group, whereas 10-19 year-olds had transmission rates similar to adults. WIRED

LEWIS LIES IN STATE: The late Rep. John Lewis became the first Black lawmaker to lie in state in the Capitol, one of the highest honors that can be given to an American. Lewis’ coffin was brought to the rotunda for a private ceremony for members of Congress. Members of the public have been able to pay their respects outside the building. President Trump said he will not visit the casket. AP

U.S.-CHINA RELATIONS: China has officially taken back control of the American consulate in Chengdu, a symbolic indication of how far and fast the diplomatic relations between the world’s two largest economies have deteriorated. Chinese soldiers took down the U.S. flag outside the mission as crowds of people waving Chinese flags looked on. GUARDIAN

GOLD RECORD RUN: The price of gold is now at a record high, approaching $2,000 an ounce. Gold is typically thought of as a “safe haven” investment where you park your money when you’re worried about the global economy, and the run up in its price suggests investors are increasingly nervous about the recovery -- not just the virus, but the growing tension between the U.S. and China, as well. BLOOMBERG

GOOGLE WORK FROM HOME: Google has decided to keep all of its employees remote until at least next summer, becoming the first major American company to extend the timeline for work-from-home out an entire year. The decision will affect nearly all of Google parent Alphabet’s 200,000 employees, from Silicon Valley to India. WSJ

MLB COVID OUTBREAK: The MLB season isn’t even a week old and it’s already in jeopardy after a coronavirus outbreak swept through the Miami Marlins clubhouse. Three games have been postponed as the league tries to stem the outbreak, which has infected at least 14 members of the Marlins organization. ESPN

MOVIE RELEASE DATES: The summer movie season is a wash. The fall season, when most of the big Oscar contenders are released, is in peril. So what’s left? Here’s a list of every movie that was supposed to come out this year, and when it’s now scheduled for release. Just go ahead and assume you won’t be going to the theater until next year: READ IT

WELCOME TO THE Willa! That’s reportedly the name of Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner’s baby girl. The Game of Thrones actress gave birth to the couple’s first child last week. TMZ

LEFTOVERS: SORRY FOR ROCKING: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has launched an investigation into a Chainsmokers concert that took place in the Hamptons last weekend after videos on social media showed people crowding together to watch the show, which was supposed to be a drive-in. The charity concert -- tickets were going for as much as $25,000 a pop -- also featured a set by DJ D-Sol, the alter ego of Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon. PITCHFORK

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