Here are the headlines you Need2Know for Tuesday, June 30, 2020:

THE INDOOR DINING PROBLEM: Of all the ways to get infected with COVID-19, public health officials are increasingly concerned that one kind of activity in particular presents among the most serious risks: eating and drinking indoors with people you don’t know. As cases keep rising in the South, New Jersey is delaying its plan to reopen indoor dining. NYC is considering doing the same, while Arizona has ordered bars, restaurants and gyms to close again. Meanwhile, the WHO warned that the pandemic is accelerating as more countries ease lockdowns, and that “the worst is yet to come.” NBC NEWS

ABORTION RULING: The Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law that required all abortions to be done by doctors with admitting privileges at nearby hospitals -- effectively leaving the state with a single abortion clinic -- in a major defeat for conservatives who were hoping the ruling would spell the beginning of the end of Roe v. Wade. For the third time in two weeks, Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the liberal wing of the court for the 5-4 decision, citing precedent from a similar 2016 ruling. It was the first abortion case since two Trump appointees joined the Court. AP

RUSSIA BOUNTY PLOT: President Trump reportedly received a written briefing in late February from intelligence officials that laid out their concerns that Russia was offering cash rewards to militants in Afghanistan for killing U.S. troops. The White House has said the president was never briefed on the issue and that the intelligence was never “verified.” NY TIMES

CASE CLOSED: GOLDEN STATE KILLER: The identity of one of the country’s most notorious serial killers is officially no longer a mystery. Joseph DeAngelo, a former police officer in California, has pleaded guilty to 13 counts of first-degree murder and admitted to other uncharged rapes, decades after his crime spree terrorized communities throughout the state. DeAngelo, 74, admitted to his crimes in front of victims and their relatives; in exchange, he will be spared the death penalty. YAHOO NEWS

REMDESIVIR PRICING: Gilead has revealed the pricing for remdesivir, its experimental coronavirus treatment: $390 per vial, or $2,340 for a five-day course, for people covered by government programs like Medicaid. For patients with private insurance, the cost will be $3,120. That’s actually less than investors and analysts had been expecting. The price will be significantly cheaper for developing countries. REUTERS

HATE SPEECH BANS: Social media platforms have implemented a sweeping ban of users and groups deemed to be promoting hate speech. Reddit kicked off hundreds of subreddits, including the popular pro-Trump fan forum known as The_Donald; Twitch temporarily suspended President Trump’s official channel for “hateful conduct”; YouTube banned six channels for white supremacist content. UPI

PLAYERS OPTING OUT: When professional basketball and baseball resume play in July, not every player will be suiting up. Rockies outfielder Ian Desmond says he’s opting out of play this season because it’s too risky; Mike Leake of the Diamondbacks and Ryan Zimmerman and Joe Ross of the Nationals are also opting not to play. In the NBA, Nets center DeAndre Jordan tested positive for the virus and says he won’t join his teammates in Orlando next month, while his teammate Wilson Chandler is citing family concerns for his decision to stay home. CNN

KAEP SIGNED...BY NETFLIX: Colin Kaepernick’s life story will be the focus of an upcoming Netflix drama series to be produced by Ava DuVernay and Kaepernick himself. Colin in Black & White will tell the story of Kaepernick’s childhood and high school years, and the experiences that led him to become the athlete-activist he is today. THR

BROADWAY SHUTDOWN EXTENDED: The group that represents Broadway theaters and producers says the industry will remain closed through the end of the year, at least, and customers holding tickets to Broadway shows through Jan. 3 will be refunded. Broadway has been dark since March 12, the longest shutdown in its history. BROADWAY WORLD

LEFTOVERS: ALLERGEN GUIDELINES: The food-allergy community is concerned that the FDA’s recent move to loosen food labeling restrictions could harm people who have severe reactions to certain allergens. In order to help ease disruptions in the food supply chain during the pandemic, the FDA is allowing food manufacturers to change ingredients in their products, without reflecting the changes on the food label. The so-called “Big 8” allergens -- like soybeans, peanuts and eggs-- are excluded, but millions of Americans are also allergic to lesser-known allergens like sesame. CHEDDAR

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