This has been a big year for e-commerce. Cyber Monday sales topped $6.5 billion according to Adobe Insights. And 2018 is expected to be even bigger. Hilary George-Parkin, Writer at Racked, and Rishi Prabhu, Co-Founder of Bespoke Post, share their insights into the world of e-commerce in 2018. They both expect online shopping to become even more popular as customers become more comfortable with the concept. However, they both note that brick-and-mortar isn't going away any time soon. Many legacy retailers are buying up e-commerce companies, and vice-versa. George-Parkin and Prabhu both expect this trend of brick-and-mortar and e-commerce mergers to continue. They also discuss the rising trend of digital native companies like Everlane opening up physical locations for the first time.

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