Nike is suing two of its competitors for alleged patent infringement.
More In Business
Change is Hard: Disney Shareholders Rebuff Activists Who Sought Company Shakeup
Disney shareholders have rallied behind longtime CEO Robert Iger. They voted Wednesday to rebuff activist investor Nelson Peltz and his ally, former Disney chief financial officer Jay Rasulo.
Save for Retirement While Repaying Student Loans? Finally, Good News for Millennials
Student loan borrowers have the ability to earn retirement funds pegged to their payments – and the company Summer might be bringing it to your workplace.
Buckle Up: Getting Inflation Down Could Take a While
It might not be what investors want to hear… but bringing down inflation could mean interest rates stay higher for (even) longer. But it's not all downside.
Siam Capital is Investing in a Greener Future, One Business at a Time
Siam Capital aims to identify high-impact, sustainable consumer businesses and the influence of consumer choices on sustainability.
We Finally Have More Job Openings! Well, a Few More, Anyway.
U.S. job openings barely changed in February, staying at historically high levels in a sign that the American job market remains strong.
Zapata AI & Andretti Acquisition Merge: Revolutionizing Generative AI
Zapata AI's merger with Andretti Acquisition Corp. has become a pure play on generative AI. CEO Christopher Savoie discussed the merger with Cheddar.
The US and China Don’t Talk Enough. Biden and Xi Hope to Change That.
President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping have discussed Taiwan, artificial intelligence and security issues in a call meant to demonstrate a return to regular leader-to-leader dialogue between the two powers.
The Sustainability Revolution Is Inevitable – Here’s Why
April is Earth month, and while the green revolution might feel far away, the founder of climate VC Siam Capital says it’s on it’s way, and, even better: it won't cost you more.
Bad Weather Threatening Your Vacation? Get Paid Come Rain or Come Shine
From snow in April to heatwaves in December, it’s hard to plan a trip in a climate change world. Startup Sensible Weather thinks weather-based travel reimbursements are the solution.