Nike is suing two of its competitors for alleged patent infringement.
More In Business
Merlin Entertainment Buys ‘Orlando Eye’
Fresh off news the company is buying the Orlando Eye, Merlin Entertainment CEO Scott O’Neil talks theme park trends, dynamic pricing, and growth.
The Latest From GMC and Buick Ahead of the NY Auto Show
Ahead of the New York International Auto Show, Duncan Aldred, Global VP of Buick and GMC, discusses what vehicles and strategies are ahead for GM.
Talking Luxury and TikTok with Neiman Marcus
Neiman Marcus Group CEO Geoffroy van Raemdonck talks luxury shopping and TikTok, why the company prefers to be private for now, and the benefits of flexible work arrangements.
The U.S. Could be Headed for a Recession
Rebecca Walser, founder and CEO of Walser Wealth Management, discusses how geopolitical conditions, the bifurcated economy, and other volatility could weigh on markets.
Stellantis Lays Off 400 Workers As Automakers Look Toward the Future with EVs
Jeep maker Stellantis announced their planned layoffs as it deals with the transition from combustion engines to electric vehicles.
#KateGate is Over: Princess of Wales Announces She Has Cancer
The video announcement Friday came after weeks of speculation spread on social media about her whereabouts and health since she was hospitalized in January for unspecified abdominal surgery.
Big Business This Week: The Future Is Electric, Reddit IPO Goes Boom, Lower Interest Rates on the Horizon
Reddit comes out swinging, Biden seeks to slash vehicle emissions and Trump seeks a get cash quick deal.
Combining ‘Immersive Media’ and Philanthropy
Chip Giller, co-founder, and Amy Seidenwurm, Chief of Programs and Strategy at Agog: The Immersive Media Institute, discuss how the organization uses the virtual world to make real change.
Equality for Women at Work ‘Starts with Self Advocacy’
Luminary founder and CEO Cate Luzio shares some of the company’s latest Women’s History Month events and why there’s so much to celebrate about women in the workplace.