Nike is suing two of its competitors for alleged patent infringement.
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Vontier's Plans for Growth and Expansion in 2024
Mark Morelli, CEO of Vontier, breaks down his company's latest results and plans for the rest of the year.
JKBX Lets Fans Invest in Their Favorite Songs
Scott Cohen, CEO of JKBX, breaks down how his platform works to allow users to turn popular songs into an investment.
Doroni Aerospace Wants to Make ‘Flying Cars’ Reality
Doron Merdinger, CEO of Doroni Aerospace, discusses the company’s H1-X eVOTL vehicle and how it’s working to bring it to market for consumers.
The Fed Decides to Hold Rates Steady
Brad Bernstein, managing director at UBS Private Wealth Management breaks down the state of the U.S. economy and what to expect from Fed policy from the rest of the year.
One SpaceX Investor's Thoughts on Elon Musk's Leadership
SpaceX Investor Chad Anderson discusses Starship's latest test flight, what's next, and why he thinks Elon Musk's leadership sent the company in the right direction.
Sharebite Wants to End Food Insecurity by Feeding Workers
Dilip Rao, CEO of Sharebite, explains how his startup wants to normalize companies feeding their workers, the role of the private sector in public concerns, and more.
March Madness As We Know It Could Be On the Way Out Amid Seismic Changes in College Sports
Athlete compensation, player unions and realignment dominate discussions — everything in college sports is open for discussion, interpretation and adjustment.
Fighting Through the Chaos to Build a Successful Business
Martin Mignot of Index Ventures talks his book 'Scaling Through Chaos,' plus why he thinks the IPO market will heat up come 2025.
'Defiant Dreams' Tells the Story of One Afghan Woman's Fight for Education
Sola Mahfouz and Malaina Kapoor, authors of 'Defiant Dreams: The Journey of an Afghan Girl Who Risked Everything for Education' discuss how Sola overcame the Taliban to get an education.