Nike is suing two of its competitors for alleged patent infringement.
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Tax Season is Underway. Here Are Some Tips to Navigate It (And How to Avoid Those Pesky Scammers)
Time to get organized, procrastinators!
Bernie Sanders Wants the US to Adopt a 32-Hour Workweek. Workers Rejoice!
Why work 40 when you can work 32?
Jill Chase’s Path from Founder to CapitalG Partner
Jill Chase, partner at CapitalG, chat her personal journey, bringing more women into venture capital, and A.I. projects she’s excited about.
Inside Pittsburgh International Airport’s Infrastructure Upgrade
Pittsburgh International Airport CEO, Christina Cassotis talks the airport’s upcoming upgrades and why you can’t count out business travel, even in a post-pandemic world.
Empowering Armenian Women Through Technology
Fresh off of speaking at the UN, Amalya Yeghoyan, Executive Director of FAR’s Gyumri Information Technology Center, discusses her work to empower women through tech.
Big Business This Week: TikTok Woes, Tesla Stock is Down, Inflation is Up, Up, Up
TikTok is facing an uphill battle in the U.S., Tesla’s future looks glum and, come to think of it, so do inflation rates.
Turning Unused PTO Into Cold, Hard Cash
Veetahl Eilat-Raichel, Founder and CEO of Sorbet, shares how employees can harness the value of their time off – and how companies can use PTO to employees’ benefit.
Women Are Set to Inherit Trillions in Coming Decades
Adrienne Penta, head of the Brown Brothers Harriman Center for Women and Wealth, offers insights on how women can harness their financial power.
Fed Interest Rate Decision Coming Next Week
Brooke May, Managing Partner at Evans May Wealth, weighs in on how the market is expected to perform through the rest of 2024, plus why she’s still bullish on tech but cautious when it comes to financials.