On A Positive Note: Connecticut Teen Takes Steps to Protect Community By Installing AEDs
Andrew Fuller, 16, is taking steps to protect his community with some first aid tools. He said after realizing there was a need for more automated external defibrillator, or AEDs, around town, he took it upon himself to start the installation process. "I was getting notifications on my phone about stories of people who were going into cardiac arrest in public places and there not being an AED around," he said. "And I'm like, wait, we don't have them at parks, we don't have them at our beaches. Let's just change that."
James Stewart joins Cheddar to discuss his New York Times article on what really went on behind-the-scenes at Disney when Bob Iger took back his spot as CEO.
Working five days a week has long been the corporate cultural norm. But some companies are exploring the option of letting employees work four days a week.
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