How is this for a feel good story on a Thursday? A Brooklyn man restored his daughter's shuttered Kitsby bakery into a flourishing seafood business.
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How Nvidia Keeps Beating Expectations, by the Numbers
Nvidia has once again turned out quarterly results that easily exceeded Wall Street’s forecasts.
Bethenny Frankel Talks Sober Curious Trends and Forever Young Rosé
PLUS: the CEO gives advice on navigating the beverage industry and social media.
AI's Impact on School: Enhancing Learning or Fueling Cheating?
McGraw Hill CEO Simon Allen discusses AI tools like AI Reader and Writing Assistant and their effects on learning.
Why the Paralympics Matter: Insights from Gold Medalist Matt Scott
Tune into the Paralympics on NBC and Peacock from August 28th - September 8th!
Calling All College Kids: Cup Noodles' New Flavors & Fantasy Football
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Arc'teryx CEO Unpacks The Future Of Sportswear
Arc'teryx CEO Stuart Haselden gives an exclusive look inside the outdoor sportswear brand's new NYC flagship store and introduces new MO/GO wearable hiking tech
Sports and Tech Officially Unite, Driven by A.I.
Key trends include AI, smart stadiums, big tech in streaming, fan engagement, and data-driven marketing.
Fed Rate Cuts: What Will 25-50 Basis Points Mean for Tech and Markets?
Fed rate cuts are near; Dave Harrison Smith explores their impact on tech, markets, and investment strategies.
Tipping Fatigue vs. Tip-Rage: America's Tipping Crisis
Tipping fatigue rises with constant requests, tech, and pandemic shifts. Brooke Masters explores changing perceptions and future trends in tipping.