Samsung finally revealed its Samsung Galaxy S9 phone on the sidelines of Mobile World Congress. It looks pretty similar to Samsung's flagship Galaxy S8 phone but has some exciting, new features. The S9 will have a new augmented reality emoji feature and a better camera. The Galaxy S9 will cost $720 and the S9 plus will cost $840. Pre-orders start this Friday, March 2. Warren Buffett spent more money on Apple stock last year than on any other company. Berkshire Hathaway's second-biggest holding is now Apple, just behind Wells Fargo. These details were revealed in Berkshire Hathaway's annual letter released over the weekend. We also discovered that Berkshire Hathaway's net profit grew to $65 billion, thanks in part to savings from the GOP tax overhaul. Cheddar sits down with Francis Lawrence, director of the new film "Red Sparrow," starring Jennifer Lawrence. This is Lawrence's 4th time working with Jennifer Lawrence. Previously, they worked together on "The Hunger Games" films. Lawrence says he and actress Jennifer Lawrence love working together and have become great friends. When Francis Lawrence first read the book which "Red Sparrow" is based on, he called Jennifer Lawrence immediately. She plays a Russian spy in the film, which hits theaters this Friday, March 2. And we recap the biggest moments from the 2018 Winter Olympics with James Yoder, CEO and founder of Chat Sports. Yoder says the U.S. had a pretty underwhelming performance at the Olympics, finishing fourth overall in the games. The U.S. team is going home with just 23 medals, the lowest count in 20 years. But there were plenty of big moments for Team USA from the Winter Olympics. Yoder thinks snowboarder Chloe Kim and figure skater Nathan Chen will be the faces of the 2022 Winter Olympics.

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With stubborn inflation sticking at about 2.8%, there’s a chance that the Fed won’t cut rates this year. That might be the smarter choice in the long run.
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