Adam Auriemma, Editor-in-Chief at Money, joins Your Cheddar to talk about the December cover story: 101 ways to make $1,000. He specifically talks about how people can make a quick buck around the holiday season. A lot of people use the end of the year to take a look back at what they spent, and try to create a budget for the new year. Auriemma says you should attempt to adjust your bills: cancel memberships you don't use, switch phone carriers, cut the cord, etc. Plus, why you should never buy lotto tickets! Auriemma says Americans spend more than $70 billion a year on lottery tickets and your chances of winning....are well, slim to none.

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OpenTable CEO joins Cheddar to discuss this summer's top restaurant trends, how best to make a reservation and what perks you can now get on the app. Watch!
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