Plaintiffs Vow to Appeal After Judge Dismisses Suit to Legalize Weed
A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit challenging AG Jeff Sessions and the DEA on marijuana's classification of a Schedule I drug. The ruling marks a defeat for the plaintiffs who include a 12-year-old girl who treats her epilepsy with medical marijuana, a former professional football player, and a former U.S. Army Combat Veteran. An attorney on the case, and one of the plaintiffs share their reaction to the judges decision.
"It's heartbreaking," said Plaintiff Jose Belen who is a U.S. Army Combat veteran. "At the end of the day this is medicine. There are millions of Americans that deserve compassionate access."
"We are understandably disappointed," said Attorney Lauren Rudick. "We all knew this case would be decided on appeal, this was an outcome we were prepared for. The fight goes on."
A memo sent ahead of the new season said that on-ice uniforms and gear for games, warmups and official team practices cannot be altered to reflect theme nights, which include Pride.
Flag football took a key step toward becoming an Olympic sport in 2028, a victory for the NFL and organizers in Los Angeles who want to bring a distinctly American sport to the Summer Games as they return to the United States for the first time in 32 years.