Major League Baseball, the National Pasttime, was able to salvage something of a season in 2020 despite COVID-19, but the pandemic prevented most of the fans from attending live games. Now, in 2021, with encouraging vaccine numbers in the U.S., teams like the Boston Red Sox are welcoming back their fans to stadiums. Cheddar stopped by the oldest ballpark still in operation in the MLB, Fenway Park, to see how the return to some semblance of normalcy was going.
Amy Farley, Executive Editor at Fast Company, joins Cheddar to reveal how the Top 50 companies were chosen for a coveted spot on the list of Most Innovative.
Chris Versace, CIO at Tematica, discusses the fed decision, the current state of the market and how news in the coming days will tell us even more. Watch!
Olipop CEO, Ben Goodwin, joins Cheddar to discuss its recent $50M funding round and why other prebiotic soda company's successes is good for business. Watch!
The Knot Worldwide CEO Raina Moskowitz joins Cheddar to reveal the top wedding trends for 2025 and why some newlyweds-to-be want their big day to be phone free!
Shark Tank star Barbara Corcoran reveals how she is handling all of this recession news, the best time to buy a home and what she looks for when hiring. Watch!