As a millennial, there are many things to think about, but one thing that should be on the top of your mind is life insurance. Clark Howard, Money Expert at joins Your Cheddar to discuss why it's so important to cover yourself at an early age. So what events could justify buying life insurance? Howard says getting married and having a baby are two big ones. However, you should also think about it if you take on unsecured or secured debt with a co-signer. And when you start looking at coverage he suggests you buy six to 10 times your annual income. But what type of life insurance should you go with? Howard explains the difference between term and whole life insurance. He does suggest the best option is level term insurance. Level term means you pay one flat rate year after year for the length of the policy. This policy will replace your income should you die prematurely.

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On the Scene: High Tea at The Arlo Hotel
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