Presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) joined families of 9/11 victims and first responders Tuesday as she called on the Trump administration and the FBI to release documents that she said could implicate Saudi Arabia for its role in the attacks.

"Eighteen years ago, our nation was attacked by Al-Qaeda," Gabbard said at the 9/11 Tribute Museum in New York City, just blocks from Ground Zero. "We still don't fully know whether or not they were aided by the Saudi government, enabling them to successfully attack our nation."

Gabbard noted that the attacks ultimately lead to her decision to serve in the military, where she still serves as a major in the Army National Guard."I was determined to defeat and destroy the evil that visited us on September 11th."

Now Gabbard plans to re-introduce House Resolution Urging the release of information regarding the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks upon the United States to Congress, originally introduced in 2017, which would release what she calls the, "declassified version that actually speaks to the truth of what led to that attack."

John Feal, a 9/11 first-responder well-known for his efforts to secure the reauthorization of the Victims Compensation Fund (VCF), expressed optimism Tuesday in getting the resolution done: "I guarantee that we will get this done because I do not do anything — anything — that fails," he said.

Yet, President Trump's critics, like Gabbard, are concerned about his relationship with the Saudi Kingdom.

On Monday, the White House noted Trump spoke with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, who "congratulated the President on the United States' successful mission to bring ISIS founder and leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to justice."

Speaking to reporters on October 16, Trump announced U.S. troops will be sent to Saudi Arabia because the country has been "a very good ally."

Gabbard explained Tuesday, "Families who lost their loved ones want the truth, and they deserve the truth."

When Cheddar asked if she has a message for Trump, Gabbard said, "Stand with the American people that you took the oath to serve, not the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, not Prince Mohammad Bin Salman."

"Stand up and be the leader that he promised to be and honor the great sacrifice of those families and first responders who are gathered here today, the great sacrifice that continues to be made by servicemen and women, by sharing the truth, and standing with the American people," she added.

Just last week, Gabbard announced she would not seek re-election to the House of Representatives in order to focus on her presidential campaign. In a new poll released Tuesday, Gabbard hit 5 percent in New Hampshire, inching her closer to qualifying for the November debates.

Updated October 30, 2019 to refer to the House Resolution by name.

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