As a child of immigrants, Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez is a fierce advocate for DACA recipients. Cheddar spoke with Congressman Gutierrez moments after Democrats in the Senate agreed to table a bill that would protect Dreamers until a later date, solely based on a promise from Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Congressman Gutierrez is disappointed his Senate colleagues 'caved' and agreed to any deal that did not protect DACA recipients. He believes Republicans are 'against immigrants' and is not confident there will be a bipartisan agreement. 'Trump changed the definition of bipartisanship,' the Congressman said. He is disappointed his Democrat colleagues still won't 'go to the mat' for his community. Congressman Gutierrez says he will not vote for any spending bill that funds the deportation of Dreamers. He encourages them to stay vigilant and continue to fight for their rights through activism.

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