Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) Powers His Home With A Tesla Car Battery
Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky) lives completely off the power grid. His house runs completely on renewable energy. Just recently, he took a 900-mile round-trip journey to buy a Tesla battery from a wrecked vehicle and converted it to power his home.
Congressman Massie studied electrical and mechanical engineering at MIT. He has filed over 30 patents in the field of robotics and virtual reality. Rep. Massie says he lived off the grid years before he considered entering Congress, adding that people are often shocked to hear his story. As a libertarian, he believes Americans should be free from government regulations.
English Wikipedia raked in more than 84 billion views this year, according to numbers released Tuesday by the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit behind the free, publicly edited online encyclopedia. And the most popular article was about ChatGPT (yes, the AI chatbot that’s seemingly everywhere today).
The Biden administration says electric vehicles made with battery materials from China will not be eligible for the full EV tax credit under new proposed rules.