The world binged two things over the Thanksgiving holiday: lots of turkey and "Godless" on Netflix. The new series explores life in a female-run mining town in New Mexico. Actress Samantha Soule stars on the show and joins Cheddar to discuss why the series might be Netflix's next big thing. She reveals why she thinks the show is earning rave reviews. Despite being a limited miniseries, Soule says she'd be more than game if it's renewed for a second season. Netflix is looking to the series to bring back the traditional Western genre, but Soule explains why this isn't your typical shoot-em-up show. "Godless" is the latest show to tackle gender issues. Soule puts the series in the context of its predecessors like Hulu's "The Handmaid's Tale." Finally, we put her to the test in a game of "West or Western." She guesses whether famous quotes can be attributed to classic Western movies or Kanye West.

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