Scandal's Joe Morton on the Hit Series' Final Season
The final eleven episodes of ABC's hit series "Scandal," kick off on Jan. 18, and one of the juiciest parts on the show has been played, for 6 of the past 7 seasons, by Joe Morton, aka Papa Eli Pope. The Emmy winner joins us now to tell us what to look out for as the series winds down, as well as his many other projects on the stage and screen.
Morton is currently appearing in DC Comics' Justice League, and also just finished a stage run playing the late comedian and civil rights activist Dick Gregory.
Morton obviously won't tell us what's in store for Scandal's series finale. Before he leaves, however, he delivers an intense Eli Pope-style monologue (that he just threw together in the car.)
The story started as an accidental 911 call, but then it ended up in a hug. The Hillsborough County Sheriff's office in Florida responded to a 911 call from a young boy who wasn't facing any emergency. Instead, he was asking to give police a hug.
There could be such a thing as being too clean after heated debates on social media about how often you should shower. Dermatologists and other health experts are now weighing in, saying while showering every day is a must, some experts say it may not be good for your health to shower too often.
A driver tried to crash through the exit gates of a South Carolina nuclear plant Thursday night about an hour after security asked the same car to leave when it tried to enter, authorities said.
A former Southern California street gang leader pleaded not guilty Thursday to murder in the 1996 killing of rap music icon Tupac Shakur in Las Vegas — a charge prompted by his own descriptions in recent years about orchestrating the deadly drive-by shooting.