*By Alisha Haridasani* A Slack outage Wednesday morning caused chaos and panic in workplaces across the country. Employees took to social media in droves to express their frustration at having to resort to such archaic forms of communication as email or ー gasp! ー face-to-face conversations. The interruption is “really troubling,” considering how indispensable the office messaging app has become for so many businesses, said Brett Mollina, digital editor at USA Today. “You might see a Facebook or a Twitter that has an outage, but it’s usually only for a few minutes,” he said. Slack had around [eight million](http://www.businessinsider.com/slack-8-million-users-ipo-2018-5) daily active users as of May and counts big names like Airbnb, Target, and Jet.com as its clients. Wednesday's blackout was its fourth this year, and the company revealed very little about what happened, vaguely blaming “connectivity issues,” which Mollina said only compounded users' irritation. “They have to give a better sense as to why this is happening,” he said. “Maybe that allows employees or businesses to pivot based on that.” For the full segment, [click here.](https://cheddar.com/videos/slack-is-back-after-four-hours)

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